Learn Passive, the gold standard in building science.

This course is for design/build & construction professionals who are concerned about moisture control, air sealing, thermal bridging, healthy indoor air, durability, resiliency, and affordability of high-performance.

  • limit liability & increase credibility

  • avoid hidden mold & condensation

  • exceed IECC air leakage requirements

  • learn best practices & building science

Speak with an Emu

Have questions about taking Emu's Passive Design/Build™ Online Core Curriculum course? Speak with an Emu to learn more!


Explore our Curriculum

  • Unit 1: Why We Build Buildings

    UNDERSTAND the relationship between people and the built environment in terms of health, safety, and longevity. >> EVALUATE the importance of buildings in the context of climate change in the economy of electrification. >> ASSESS typical points of failure in buildings. >> FAMILIARIZE yourself with the Passive House principles and how they contribute to successful building projects.

  • Unit 2: The Science of Why

    ​REVIEW different health metrics within buildings. Including, mold, condensation and comfort. >> BREAK DOWN the different rules around energy dynamics. >> INVESTIGATE the properties of air and moisture (Psychrometrics). >> IDENTIFY moisture driven risks associated with thermodynamics.

  • Unit 3: Thermal Insulation and Thermal Mass

    IDENTIFY key performance differences between thermal insulation and thermal mass, and how they impact different types of buildings.>> FAMILIARIZE yourself with thermal resistance and thermal transmittance of building assemblies and compare the Passive House method with the simplified IECC one. >> COMPARE typical U-values for Passive House building in different climate zones and compare them with IECC prescriptive method. >> REVIEW typical insulation materials, and their application depending on different construction methods.

  • Unit 4: Thermal Bridges

    ​FAMILIARIZE yourself with the definition of Thermal Bridge. >> LEARN about the consequences of Thermal Bridges on building energy performance and risk for mold and condensation. >> REVIEW climate-specific metrics to verify avoidance/mitigation of thermal bridges, and suitability for Passive House. >> IDENTIFY typical thermal bridges for different construction methods, their risk level and cost-effective ways to mitigate them.

  • Unit 5: Windows and Transparent Componets

    FAMILIARIZE yourself with the Comfort Criterion PH requirement and compare it to the Hygiene Criterion. >> COMPARE thermal performance of PH windows with IECC ones and the consequences on thermal comfort and heating/cooling demand. >> IDENTIFY subcomponents of windows and transparent components and understand their implications for heat loss and solar gains. >> REVIEW different typical installation details for Passive House windows and how detailing impacts performance.

  • Unit 6: Existing Buildings

    ​RECAP Passive House quality goals in the context of retrofitting existing buildings. >> UNDERSTAND the potential energy savings in building retrofits, and best practices to achieve most cost-effective solutions. >> ANALYZE risks associated with retrofitting different types of building structures and ways to mitigate those risks. >> LEARN to apply the principles to a range of building typologies.

  • Unit 7: Air Tightness + Moisture Management

    ​FAMILIARIZE yourself with different air and moisture transfer mechanisms and their consequences in terms of energy efficiency and building damages. >> LEARN about PHI’s air tightness requirements, depending on different energy efficiency goals. >> REVIEW key factors of the blower door testing method, including Passive House-specific requirements. >> EVALUATE best practices for durable air tightness depending on different assemblies and construction methods.

  • Unit 8: Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery

    ​IDENTIFY key metrics for indoor air quality and typical sources of air pollution inside buildings. >> LEARN about PHI’s requirements for mechanical ventilation systems, including energy consumption and heat recovery efficiency, air filtration and noise control. >> EVALUATE common types of mechanical ventilation systems, incl. pros and cons depending on project application. >> REVIEW balancing and commissioning procedures for mechanical ventilation systems in Passive House building applications.

  • Unit 9: Efficient Heating, Cooling & Domestic Hot Water

    FAMILIARIZE yourself with key concepts of mechanical systems including heating, cooling and dehumidification and domestic hot water. >> EVALUATE how energy efficiency of Passive House buildings influences the suitability of specific systems and their operation. >> REVIEW innovative types of mechanical systems. >> LEARNabout Primary Energy in relation to different energy vectors and how that affects the energy offsetting process to meet Net Zero.

  • Unit 10: Quality Assurance

    Review construction site photos and identify poorly executed details with regards to Passive House certification. Pay particular attention to implementation of air tightness and thermal insulation details in the build. Provide instructions on how to solve any issues you see. The solutions will be discussed in our Live Q&A session.

Don't forget to sign up for a CPHT Exam!

*CPHT Exam is not included in Online Core Curriculum course. Separate purchase is required.

  • $550.00

    $550.00CPHT Exam: March 21, 2025 @ Online

    Sign Up


  • How long do I have access to the Online Core Curriculum?

    You will have access to the Online Core Curriculum for 12 months from the date of purchase.

  • How much time is needed to complete the Online Core Curriculum course?

    This is a self-paced course, so we often see a range of completion times. Generally speaking, if you advance through the slides, one after another consistently, most people are spending around an hour or two per Unit (there are 10 Units).

  • Do we get to meet with an Emu Trainer?

    The Online Core Curriculum course will host monthly Live Q+A Sessions with one of our Emu Trainers! You will also have access in your course module to ask questions directly to the trainers.

  • How do I become a Certified Passive House Tradesperson?

    To become CPHT certified, you will need to take the Passive House Institute's accredited Certified Passive House Tradesperson Exam.

  • What are the refund/cancellations terms?

    All sales are final. No refunds and/or cancellations available for Online Training once on-demand access to the curriculum has been granted. Please read our Cancellations and Refunds Policy.