2024 Summer Crew Live Online Q&A Schedule:

All sessions are held Wednesdays, 3-4pm Mountain Time, via Zoom. Links will be sent via email, calendar, and also avilable on your Course Player once you register. All Q&A sessions will be recorded and available to watch for one year from registration. While it is not required, we encourage video participation. There is a high correlation between engagement in the online Q&A sessions and higher scores on the CPHT exam. Please note that access to your Student Dashboard is a single user license. If you would like to know more about group licenses or private training, please email [email protected].

  • Jul 24: Orientation Day Kick-Off

  • Jul 31: Units 1 + 2: Passive House Basics + Economics

  • Aug 7: Units 3 + 4: Thermal Insulation + Bridge

  • Aug 14: Units 5 + 6: Windows + Retrofits

  • Aug 21: Units 7 + 8: Air Tightness, Moisture, + Ventilation

  • Aug 28: Units 9 + 10: Heating/Cooling + Quality Assurance