What will you learn in this course?

All. The. Things.

  • The Value of Passive House

    What is the Passive House standard, and why is it more like a building code than just a green building certification? Why will your clients thank you for knowing this standard?

  • High-Performance Envelopes

    What makes a building envelope perform, and how do you mitigate thermal bridges and other potential weaknesses early in the process?

  • Systems & Services

    How does the systems design integrate with a high-performing building, and what exactly are the indoor air quality requirements that make Passive so healthy?

Passive Design/Build™️

Explore Emu's original core curriculum.

Written explicitly for the North American market and climate zones, with examples from a range of construction methods, building typologies, and performance levels.
Emu Curriculum page

Know more. Build better.

Understand advanced building science and how it applies to your everyday work. Whether you are seeking Passive House certification or not, you can't un-learn the knowledge you gain in this class. Our alumni use this information as the gold standard in all high-performance builds.

  • limit liability & increase credibility

  • avoid hidden mold & condensation

  • exceed IECC air leakage requirements

  • learn best practices & building science