Reserve your seat by February 17th, 2023

Exam will be proctored remotely online via Zoom. There will be a MANDATORY Tech Check on Feb 24th.

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Get Certified. Walk the walk.

Passive standards are the building codes of the future. Get on board before you get left behind.

Join the growing community of construction professionals, trained to use international best practices to cost-effectively implement Passive building standards in any climate.

Benefits of Becoming a CPHT

  • 5 Years of Certification

    Accredited CPHTs are listed on the public PHI Database and can renew their certificates through CE courses or construction site experience.

  • Stand Out

    Show proof of your knowledge! Professional accreditation increases your credibility with clients and colleagues in the industry alike.

  • Join the Emu Mob

    Get listed in Emu's popular alumni directory, and get first access to our CE courses and new research in the world of Passive building science.

98% of Emu students pass the PHI Exam.

(International average is 88%)

No one likes exams. Don't worry, we got you. Emu's CPHT Courses come in both online and in-person options. We cover all the information you'll need to pass the Exam, as well as the practical application of that information in your everyday practice. Check our our CPHT Course offerings and join us!

Why is taking the exam important?

From marketing yourself and your business to making sure you are listed in the right places for potential customers to see your Passive House expertise, getting the CPHT credential is the natural next step. It also shows Passive House architects, designers, and consultants that you speak their language – a KEY aspect to growing a project team that has high-performance building science as a goal.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Exam Prep: DUE Feb 17th [REQUIRED]

    • Exam Prep - Due Feb 17th

    • First: Create your profile with PHI

    • Second: Download the Exam Software

    • Technical Requirements

    • Some advice for studying

  • 2

    Tech Check Day: Fri, February 24th [REQUIRED]

    • Prep your work space

  • 3

    Trial Exam: Due Feb 29th [REQUIRED]

    • Self-Guided Trial Exam

  • 4

    Exam Day: Friday, March 3rd, 2023, 9am Mountain Time

    • What to Expect on Exam Day

  • 5

    After the Exam

    • Look out for an email from PHI.

    • Did you Pass? Strut your stuff!

    • Do you need to retake it?

    • Continue your Passive House journey!


  • What are the terms for refunds/cancellations

    We have varying terms for online versus in-person training, even though both are purchased through our online platform. We also have special circumstances we must adhere to for Exams. Please read our Refund Policy for more information, and let us know if you have any questions.

  • How do you treat my data?

    We are a small business with no desire to infringe upon your privacy. We do not sell lists, nor do we buy them. Please see our Privacy Policy for more information, or just reach out to our team.

  • Do Emus have a Terms of Use policy?

    Yes indeed! You can find the Emu Terms of Use right here: Terms

  • Do you offer group pricing or in-house training?

    Yes! If you would like to find out about group rates or licensing the curriculum for your in-house company training, please reach out to us here: Group Inquiry