Register for Emu's Ft. Collins, CO Passive House Builder Boot Camp by February 6th, 2023

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The world is loving Passive House!

To the tune of 32.3 million certified square feet.

As announced at the International Conference in 2021, Passive is taking off. Get on board, before you get left behind!

Become a PHI Certified Passive House Tradesperson (CPHT)

96% of students in this course pass the Exam!

Upon passing the CPHT Exam, you will be listed in the PHI Database of Certified builders and contractors for 5 years. You may then renew your accreditation through photo documentation of you applying your learning to project sites, or through Continuing Education credits. Emu offers CE credits through mini courses and our Colorado Passive House Expo.

What will you learn in the Passive House Builder Boot Camp?

All. The. Things.

  • The Value of Passive House

    Use an icon and text to communicate the value proposition and share the specific benefits of your offering. What makes it unique in your market?

  • High-Performance Envelopes

    What makes a building envelope preform, and how do you mitigate thermal bridges and other potential weaknesses early in the process?

  • Systems and Services

    How does the systems design integrate with a high-performing building, and what exactly are the indoor air quality requirements that make Passive so healthy?

Know more. Build better.

Understand building science and how it applies to your everyday work. Whether you are seeking Passive House certification or not, you can't un-learn the knowledge you gain in this class.

  • Limit liability & increase credibility

  • Avoid hidden mold & condensation

  • Exceed IECC air leakage requirements

  • Learn best practices & building science

Meet your Lead Trainer

...and our Chief Building Science Geek

Lead Trainer

Enrico Bonilauri

A native of Cavriago, Italy, Enrico is an established expert in the international Passive construction standard. He is well respected for being able to see complicated, cutting-edge data through the lens of practical on-site implementation. He has extensive work experience in Australia, Europe, and North America, with a specialty in building envelope design and analysis. His detailed computer simulations for thermal, hygrometric and economic analyses, are informed by the thousands of hours he has spent on varied construction sites. He is the author of the Emu North American CPHT training textbook, and the lead Trainer for Emu’s CPHT courses since 2017.

What our former students say…

"I received the best educational experience from Emu Systems! Got my Passive House Certification through their program/class. Be sure to take this class, you won't regret it!"

- Jared Phifer, Revolve Design Build

“This was an outstanding training. The knowledge of the Emu team was complimented by the skills & experience of the other attendees. My brain hurt sometimes digesting the content – but that’s a good thing. Pay yourself and sign up for this training.”

- Jay Murdoch, Owens Corning

“Thoroughly enjoyed the course; Enrico and Mariana really know their stuff and convey it clearly. So glad I could geek out with the Emu MOB!”

- Anonymous from 2020 Autumn Crew

"I've been a green builder for 16 years, and I came in here and it was like trying to drink from a fire hose."

- Dave Edwards, My Earthbound Homes

“Every builder should take this class. Period.”

- Jed Wolfram, Bozeman Sustainabuild

Now is the time.

Grab your boots, register, and join us for the Ft. Collins, CO Passive House Builder Boot Camp

Join the mob!

Clearly this guy thinks the Bundle is the best thing ever.

Why is he so happy? He just finished the 2-day in-person class, then he got to build a pod during the workshop using the knowledge he just absorbed during the training AND he is about to take the exam and become a CERTIFIED Passive House Tradesperson. Be like this guy!


  • What is Passive House?

    Passive House is an international construction standard maintained and continuously developed by the International Passive House Institute (PHI). Residential, commercial, industrial, and institutional buildings constructed to these guidelines are characterized by significantly increased comfort and health for the occupants, extremely low energy consumption, durable construction quality, and knowledgeable project teams at the forefront of the construction industry.

  • What are the terms for refunds/cancellations?

    We have varying terms for online versus in-person training, even though both are purchased through our online platform. We also have special circumstances we must adhere to for Exams. Please read our Refund Policy for more information, and let us know if you have any questions.

  • How do you treat my data?

    We are a small business with no desire to infringe upon your privacy. We do not sell lists, nor do we buy them. Please see our Privacy Policy for more information, or just reach out to our team.

  • Can I share my login with a colleague or friend?

    No. Our curriculum is licensed for single-use, and we monitor login activity for potential violations of the copyright over our intellectual property. That being said, we do have group pricing and licensing available at extremely competitive rates, and we would be happy to discuss your particular needs. Please email [email protected].

  • Do you offer group pricing or in-house training?

    While we can offer a group discount for certain classes. The bootcamp already has a discount included, and represents a discount larger than a group discount. Group discounts do not apply to boot camps.

  • Do Emus have a Terms of Use policy?

    Yes indeed! You can find the Emu Terms of Use right here: terms